Post-Wildfire Debris Flow Post-wildfire debris flows can pose a risk to life and safety near burn scars. Wildfires can leave burned areas with little or no vegetation and an impaired ability to absorb rainwater. This can result in increased rainwater runoff and a significantly higher risk of flooding and debris or mud flows. • Homeowners Guide for Flood, Debris, and Erosion Control • After the Fires Dos and Don'ts (NRCS)
Sources: " Where to Start After A Devastating Fire Wisdom, Insights and Resources from Those Impacted by the Marshall Fire ," Other crowd-sourced tips from past FEMA employees, claims experts, and insurance brokers.
©2025 All rights reserved. Venbrook Insurance Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Venbrook Group, LLC. Disclaimer: Insurance coverage is written through the nation’s leading insurance providers. Licensing in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This document is provided for informational purposes only; it is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, services, or functionality. It does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, technical, or other professional advice, nor does it amend or otherwise affect the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Venbrook Insurance Services. It should not be considered as insurance advice or a recommendation of any particular solution, strategy, or management product until you’ve spoken with a qualified insurance broker or specialist. The data, products, and services are subject to change at any time. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form or referred to in any other publication without express written permission.
Venbrook Insurance Services | CA License 0D80832
Next Steps: Where to Start After a Fire
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